How Many Billionaires Do You Know Wear The Casio Watches? Do You Want To Some Same Replica Watches?

Posted by admin on October 26, 2017 in Casio G-Shock Replica, Casio Replica |

When talking about watches, there are too many brand to tell, while speaking to the watches that wore by billionaires, you would think of Patek Philippe, Rolex or some other advanced watch brands. But in fact, billionaires are not all very luxurious, some also like the Casio. Today, I’d like to introduce some billionaires who wore Casio to see how many do you know.

Philip Falcone

Philip Falcorn is a famous financial predator, as well-known founder of Harbinger Capital Partners, Philip Falcorn is now in charge of tens of billions of dollars of assets. He wore a cool replica Casio G-Shock watch. Falcorn not only wore the fake Casio G-Shock watch when wearing suits also wearing a few strings of fancy bracelet, perhaps this may relate to his former profession, he was an athlete.


Chuck Feeney

Chuck Feeney, the founder of the DFS Global Duty Free, although not famous as Bill Gates and Buffett, he is the icon of Gates and Buffett, known as “charismatic James Bond”. Over the past 30 years, he has been running around the world, to take a secret mission – quietly donated out his 7.5 billion. This year, Chuck Feeney will complete all the donations. He has no houses and no cars, just lived in a rental room in San Franciscoin with his wife, wearing dozens of pieces of clothes, perennially wearing a 15 dollars Casio plastic replica watch. In 2012, he said in an exclusive interview with the Financial Times: “This watch will tell me more clearly than Rolex, and when you are in the age of 80, you do not need much luxury to decorate.”

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